Saturday, May 24, 2008

Once More Into the Breach

Well, it's been more than a week, but I'm finally heading back to D'ni. I've made plans to attend Mysterium this year at the end of July, now that I know I can actually get there, so there's one more week-long hiatus definitely planned for this year, but beyond that, I don't think there's any plans to spend a considerable amount of time on the Surface before the end of the year (Christmas seems like a good time to be with my family, at the very least...).

I'm finding it difficult to really keep an interesting blog of the stuff I'm doing in D'ni, so updates may be fewer and more far-between for a while. I'm also running into the limits of what I feel comfortable doing on my own right now, because I'm not a structural engineer, and I don't have access to a lot of the DRC's equipment for shoring things up and securing them before doing extensive restoration work, or even just looking around. This is as much disaster recovery as it is archaeology, and I'm only marginally more well-equipped for the latter (still can't find a really good bull whip...).

Hopefully a lot more info will be forthcoming once I manage to stabilize the data connection between the Surface and D'ni so that I can send more than just text along the uplink. Photos and drawings are definitely things I want to include in my posts, but for now, the written word is all my crummy connection can handle. The DRC did some crazy wizardry with the KI network several years ago to allow them to make posts on their old forum from their KI, and I've managed to hook into that to send these updates to Blogger, but sending an image stream is a lot more complicated, and without actual internet access in the Cavern, this is the best I can do at the moment.

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