Monday, October 6, 2008

Er'tsuda Expedition: Day 4

I'm honestly starting to get a little frustrated by how inoperative a lot of this equipment is. I don't know if any of the factory machinery still works, and it's going to take a long time with a haz-mat suit to clean out the crap that's grown in the harvester hoppers. On top of that, there's the one inoperable harvester in the factory, and the seven other harvesters that are lost out in the fields somewhere, which could very well be totally unsalvageable.

On a bright note, I did finally find the Linking Book back to D'ni. Unsurprisingly, it goes somewhere that the DRC probably haven't investigated, as there is no stamp on the Book. I suspect their original expedition to this Age used a Nexus Book to get back to the known areas of D'ni, and it's been blown away or buried or something else. It looks like I'm going to need to build a shelter of some kind up in the shanty town and make sure that the Nexus Book I brought with me is well protected so that I don't need to worry about losing it in the future.

No further progress on finding spare parts or replacement lube for the harvester engine. I'm not a mechanic, unfortunately, so I really have no idea what's going on in there. It seems relatively straightforward, as most D'ni machinery is (their electronics are a different story, but machines are all pretty basic), but lacking even so much as a blueprint, I'm not sure where to begin with tinkering. Let it be known that the D'ni built everything to last, but they did so with the assumption that they'd be there to maintain it. Grr...

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