Thursday, March 27, 2008


Definitely going to run out of witty post titles before much longer...

Anyway, I'm mostly writing this as a follow-up to my last post. After finishing my investigation of the tavern earlier, I went back to the boat house and investigated the boat I found last night. It seemed stable enough, and proved to be so on my trip back across the lake. I had my raft in tow as planned in case the bottom of the boat suddenly collapsed from the shock of use after 200 years of abandonment, but as has been noted before, the D'ni built things to last for a very long time.

The trip back to the other side of the Cavern was considerably easier than my stumbling progress last night, mostly thanks to the fact that this boat is streamlined and not just a slab of rubber and plastic. I piled the rest of my gear into the boat and hauled it back to my new home away from home in the tavern. I still haven't investigated the upstairs section of this building, and I don't think I'm going to until I have someone around who's actually trained in structural engineering to make sure the whole thing won't collapse on me when I set foot on the stairs. Still, there's plenty of room down here, and I suspect it'll be quite a while before I outgrow this space.

I may not have maps as soon as I might have liked... I'll see what I can do, but it may be a while. The fact that I lack a scanner to import any sketches I make into my computer is not helping me... look forward to dim, grainy, orange-tinted photographs of my doodles in the future.

Now, I'm going to bed. I have a lot to do, and rowing around the Cavern for a few hours has tired me out considerably.

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