Thursday, April 3, 2008

Progress Report

I've been quite busy the past week or so, though most of what I've done has been fairly mundane. Still, this process is nothing if not chock full of tedium, and I set up this blog to report on the process, so here we go.

I've spent most of my time working on cleaning up the few rooms in the tavern I'm occupying. The floors are all cleared up, I've re-set the tables and chairs, and I've re-organized the storage rooms into "ancient moldy wine of doom!" and "my stuff" categories, each in their own room. I found a small stash of firemarbles in one of the boxes of old materials I felt compelled to inventory (because it would seem you never know when you'll find something useful in an ancient box), and have been using them to light the tavern instead of draining my supply of batteries by using my flashlight and lantern.

I've also found a source of fresh water that doesn't require boiling and filtering to remove the algae from the lake. The DRC research notes indicated that there was a waterfall in the City around which Ri'Neref and his followers built their initial settlement after coming here from Ronay. It would seem that over the millennia, the D'ni channeled this source of water all around the City in a series of aqueducts. One of them zig-zags through the City, connecting to long-silent fountains and skirting the edges of plazas in ornamental designs. I'll probably still use water purifiers before drinking any of this until I fully chart the path of this particular waterway, but it's definitely closer to drinkable than the lake water would be.

On an unrelated but concerning note, my KI has been acting fritzy lately (well, fritzier than usual), and I suspect that the Lattice is very close to some sort of data failure. How that will impact life in the Cavern – and my explorations specifically – I don't know. Still, data failures are never good. Hopefully, basic functions like photography and note-taking will stay online; marker systems would be highly beneficial, but if they go down, I don't suspect it'll be the end of the world... I'll just have to be more thorough with my documentation and orienteering.

In any case, I will continue with my explorations, and will keep registering my KI at any Nexus terminals I can find. With luck, the Nexus itself will stay up, even if the Lattice suffers some catastrophic failure, and I'll still be able to get around with relative ease. Now, back to the clean-up.

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