Thursday, October 14, 2010

Neighborhood Restoration Update: Inner Workings

This past couple of weeks has been super busy, and I'm writing this so late because if I don't, I'll forget about it again. Sorry for the lack of a regular update. I hope it's been worth the wait, because there's a lot of progress to report.

I've gotten into the Classroom and the Private Rooms. There's still a little bit of clean-up to do in there, but mostly it's just dark because the lights are being fussy. The Private Rooms are a bit frustrating, because for some reason the doors are all shut to the individual rooms. I'm working on prying one of them open, but it's rough going, because these are not doors that were meant to be opened manually from the outside.

I've gotten the fountain working as well. The roughest part was carrying buckets of water up the stairs from the light garden to fill the stupid thing. Once I found the pump controls, though, things kicked on pretty quickly, which was rather impressive. I was honestly expecting it to take more time.

I'm still working on the light garden controls. The circuitry is a bit weird, and figuring out how it all connects is something of a challenge. Hopefully once I get this figured out, I'll be able to take that knowledge and get some other stuff working, like the imagers. May be a few weeks though. Not sure I'll really have much of anything to report on in the meantime, either, since this will be my project until it's done. Until next time, I guess...

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